Photos of Mom and Dad Birley

A Photo Gallery of Patrick and Patience Birley: My Parents

This collection is offered primarily for the benefit of my children who may have never seen many of them. When assembled in December, 1998 Mom had just passed her 93rd birthday, and was still full of vigor in her home in Honolulu. To see an enlarged image, click on the thumbnail image.

Please note: This is a work in progress; there are several more photos to add!

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A charming portrait of mom when she was about 8 years old.

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Portrait of mom published in a paper in 1929 to announce her engagement.

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In 1929, when this photo was made, this style was called "the flapper". Judging from the hairstyle, it may have been part of the same photo session that yielded her engagement portrait.

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Taken at our home at 590 Transit Road in Victoria, probably in about 1938, Mom is with our pet borzoi (Russion wolfhound), Cossack.

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Robert Fort was one of Victoria's finest portrait photographers. He made this portrait of Mom and Cossack in about 1938.

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Mom with 85 pounds of salmon caught in 24 hours near Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island. The boat is the Tanzilla, and the photo was probably taken in about 1943.

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Mom painted a lot of portraits of navy bigwigs in the period after World War II because of Papa's connections with the navy. This picture probably dates from about 1947.

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Although she had a great talent for "people portraits" her first love was always portraits of animals. This photo shos how remarkable she could capture the personality of a dog with her pastel portraits.

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In her studio in Honolulu with some of her portraits; photo taken in about 1982.

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Mom with her second husband, Charlie Street.

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Despite the challenges of reduced vision caused by macular degeneration, Mom leads a full life reading her mail, and sorting and working with her huge collection of photographs. This picture was taken when she was 90 years old.

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In her living room in Honolulu mom on the couch under a display of some of her portraits in oils. The wall arrangement was done for her by some of her artist friends.

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