Home Surname List Name Index Sources GEDCOM File Email Us | Third Generation6. NOTES: An external file contains the text of his diary from 10 Oct, 1905 to 10, Sept, 1906. See HSLDIARY.DOC Text of the obituary published in The Daily Colonist [Victoria, B.C., Canada] about 27 April, 1914: UNTIMELY DEATH OF VALUABLE OFFICER The death occurred at 7:00 a.m. at St. Joseph's Hospital, on Sunday, April 26 of Captain Hugh Salusbury Lloyd, following an operation for appendicitis on the previous Monday. Captain Lloyd came to this country from England in March, 1913, intending to make Victoria his home. He was the eldest son of Col. E. Lloyd, late Punjab Cavalry, now residing at Culver House, Bedford, England. He was born in 1879 at Sydenham, England. He was gazetted to the Royal Marine Light Infantry in 1897 and served with that corps till January, 1913, when he resigned to come to British Columbia. He saw service in Central Africa, attached to the King's African Rifles; also on the West and East Coasts of Africa. As an officer of the Royal Marines he served for some years in the navy, including two years under Captain the Hon. V. A. Stanley on H.M.S. Royal Arthur when on this station. He was A.D.C. to the Governor of Uganda, and as such was specitlly [sic] attached as assistant to Mr. Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, during his tour of inspection to the Province. Captain Lloyd was a very distinguished shot and won the coveted Prince of Wales' cup at Bisley and many other trophies. He came to Victoria with the intention of qualifying for and becoming a surveyor in this Province, taking a very keen interest in his work, in which he previously had some experience through being in charge of the Imperial Government Survey of the Uganda boundary line. After passing his preliminary examination here he became articled to Colonel W. T. H. Holmes and worked under him last Summer in the Strathcona Park survey. AN EFFICIENT OFFICER Captain Lloyd, while continuing on the reserve of the R.M.L.I. joined the 50th Gordon Highlanders, of this city, as captain, on its recent formation, and showed himself to be a very valuable and capable officer. He will be greatly missed in the regiment. In all that he undertook he showed a keen interest and his enthusiasm was unbounded. He had made a large circle of friends during the short time he had been in Victoria, and all predicted an undoubted success for him in his new venture in this country. Three children were born to the marriage, one son and two daughters, the latter surviving and at present living in England. His father and mother survive him, also two sisters and brothers. Captain Lloyd's brothers are Captain Raymond Lloyd, adjutant of the 2nd Battalion Iniskilling Fusiliers, and Commander Robin Lloyd, R.N. of H.M.S. Skylark, China Station. There will be a combined military and Masonic funeral on Wednesday next. The cortege will leave Haywood's Parlors at 2:15 and the service will be held at Christ Church Cathedral at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. G. H. Andrews, chaplain to the forces, will conduct the military service. Speaking yesterday of the loss the 50th Regiment has sustained by the death of Captain H.S. Lloyd, Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Currie paid a high tribute to the soldierly qualities and the charm of personality which had already won him the respect of both the men of G company and of his brother officers. Captain Lloyd had shown himself, he said, an exceptionally capable officer at drill, and excellent disciplinarian, and one who, when off duty, was able, by his social abilities and bonhommie [sic] to promote that good fellowship among all ranks which is of such inestimable value in the life of a regiment. "Though my observation of Captain Lloyd's work as an officer," said Colonel Currie "has only extended over a short period, I considered him one of the best and most efficient officers I have ever had the honor to command." 7. Children were: